“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 We can plan all we want and we can work at following those plans but if they are not in line with God’s plans we will struggle. Wouldn’t it be better to ask Him to be a part of the planning process? Include God in your planning and be blessed. Better yet ask Him to order your steps.
This is a tough thing for me to do. I make plans and assume that God agrees with me and is on board to do what MY plans are. I have taught Sunday school for years and this is an issue for most men, not all, but most. We need to let our American male ego back off and just LISTEN to what our Lord is saying. Then follow his plan for us. He will never lead us astray!
I agree. It is tough for most of us. The key is to realize it, pray about it, listen, and redirect if needed.